

〔諸惡莫做、眾善奉行。〕只要是利益眾生的事, 修行人都要無條件地去做, 以歡喜心、清淨心去納受一切, 不要哀哀怨怨的。要慈、悲、喜、捨, 每天依菩提心來做事, 自能體會其中的妙用, 增長智慧。

別人沒有做的、做不到的, 我們反而要盡心盡力去做, 而不是去批評別人, 否則自己豈不也與他人一般見識?


"Don't do anything that is immoral, and do all things that are right." Practitioners should unconditionally do whatever would benefit other beings. And, instead of being resentful, endure all hardships with a pure and joyful mind. Fill your heart with senses of lovingkindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity and carry out your daily tasks with a bodhi (wisdom) mind. Keep on these practices and you will eventually comprehend their true virtue and your wisdom will unfold.

Instead of criticizing others, we should try our best to do things others would not do, or to complete tasks others could not finish. Otherwise, we would be acting like a lay person.


廣 欽 老 和 尚 - 開 示 法 語

Analects of Master Kuang-chin



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