《正覺電子報 第81期》
The true ultimate dharma never depends on anything; it can exist independently; it can exist alone. The seven vijnanas–they are considered false and deceitful dharmas simply because they are dependent and must depend on True Suchness (depend on the Alayavijnana or the UndefiledVijnana) to exist, so they are false and deceitful dharmas. All of them are dependent vijnanasthat have to depend on the eighth vijnana to exist; therefore, they cannot enter into the remainderless nirvana and they cannot be the ultimate origin of nirvana. However, Tathagatagarbha is different; Tathagatagarbha can exist alone, so it can exist in the remainderless nirvana; it can exist alone without depending on any single dharma, and its nature is like emptiness with no dependency; hence it can be the true reality. The seven mind-king vijnanas of the Buddha have already corresponded to the Undefiled Vijnana completely, so they can be equally independent of anything; thus the state of Buddha ground is the state of no dependency; this indeed is the state of ultimacy.
A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 1