非 垢 行,非 淨 行,是 菩 薩 行 。 
                      《維摩詰所說經》卷 2 

That which is neither defiled nor pure is the 
Bodhisattva practice. 

                Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2


垢與淨兩邊 ;並且不是現在才如此,而是無始劫以來
就已經如此 ;親證這樣的境界,才可叫作菩薩行。 
                   《維摩詰經講記》第四輯,頁 2 

Any mind that sees, hears, feels and knows will 
correspond to either the defiled or the pure dharma: If 
the mind leaves purity, it enters the defiled, and vice 
versa. So long as the mind sees, hears, feels or knows 
the six sense-objects, it will either choose the pure 
dharma over the defiled, as in the case of Two-Vehicle 
saints, or choose the defiled dharma over the pure, as in 
the case of ordinary people. Only the Tathagatagarbha 
can forever remain in the state of neither defiled nor pure. 
As the Tathagatagarbha does not see, hear, feel or know, 
one cannot speak of being defiled and pure. This truth is 
beyond the scope of the Two-Vehicle dharma. Since the 
practice of the Two-Vehicle dharma centers on the 
conscious mind, it will inevitably fall into the pure 
practice and cannot be regarded as transcending purity. 
Hence, only the practice of Mahayana bodhisattvas is 
neither pure nor defiled; it transcends the extremes of 
being defiled or pure. Moreover, the Tathagatagarbha 
has had such properties for endless eons, not just for 
now. One must personally realize such a state to be able 
to claim that one is involved in the bodhisattva practice. 

  A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 4, p. 2 


 《正覺電子報 第93期》



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