To tame one’s conscious mind and Manas in complete accordance with the dharma-nature of True Suchness, one must personally realize the Tathagatagarbha before one can convert to the straight mind. The conscious mind or the Manas can never be the straight mind due to their crooked nature. Only can Tathagatagarbha be straight-minded from endless eons in the past until Buddhahood, and ever after. To behave like the straight mind, sentient beings must first realize the Tathagatagarbha, and then directly witness that it has always been straight-minded since eons without a beginning and even after eons without an end. Only this way can sentient beings truly convert to the straight mind and behave accordingly. Then, sentient beings can truly have deep faith in the Three Jewels. Otherwise, how could they be fully convinced that the Three Jewels do have infinite merits and virtues? Thus, it is indeed not easy to have the deep faith and its prerequisite is to realize the Tathagatagarbha.
A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 1
正覺電子報 第86期 (扉頁)