〔未成佛要先結人緣〕 --我們修行人要 〔廣結善緣〕, 方便幫助別人, 凡事忍讓不計較。再壞的人, 甚至一隻小動物, 也要以歡喜心與牠結緣。沒有人緣, 或是相見人不歡喜, 皆是前世沒有和人結善緣所致。所以廣結善緣, 將來才會有福報, 才能人見人歡喜, 也才有度化眾生的善因緣。
你看彌勒佛、布袋和尚、他的肚量有多、多慈悲! 如果一個人沒有肚量, 吃不了一點點虧, 受不住別人的一兩句話, 就是沒有修行!
"Before attaining buddhahood, be sure to foster good karmic affinity with people." As practitioners, we ought to help others the best we can, be patient and not calculating, joyfully foster good affinity with all beings--even with an evil person or an animal. If, unfortunately, you sense that people don't really like you or feel unpleasant seeing you, it is because you did not foster good affinity with them in previous lives. Therefore, be sure to foster good relations with everyone so that you may later enjoy blessed rewards and favorable affinities. By then, you will have the good karmic conditions necessary to deliver other sentient beings.
How magnanimous and merciful Maitreya Buddha and Putai Hoshang (Cloth-bag Monk) are! If we can not emulate them, i.e. we would take no losses, not tolerate any criticism, then we have not attained any level in our practice!
廣 欽 老 和 尚 - 開 示 法 語
Analects of Master Kuang-chin